12:53am Have you ever seen those decorative signs, particularly for Christmas, that have a long board or stick, probably 3-5 feet tall, with 'road signs' lined across--top to bottom on the stick...like 'Reindeer Crossing' with an arrow to the right, 'North Pole' with an arrow to the left, Santa's Workshop' with an arrow one way, etc.?? Hopefully you can picture what I am very poorly trying to describe. :) About a month ago our Timeout group (a group of working moms from LifeSpring), went to Nell Hills in Atchison, KS on a Saturday morning; Nell Hills is a store I had heard of before, a store known for how packed full they are of fun & beautiful decorations. We saw a sign similar to the sign I am trying to describe, but at the top, the first 'road sign' said "Angel Ave" with an arrow pointing one way. My friend Ange & I saw it, and immediately I loved it.--To me it said two different things: 'Angel Avenue', a street name indicating 'angels that way' but also for OUR angel, our 'Angel Ave(lyn).' I thought right away, 'this is perfect, I have to have it,' but then all too quickly I realized it was attached to the whole stick with all the other 'road signs'...and it cost ~$170. Well, bummer. Big bummer and disappointment. That was not in my budget for this short trip. :) But my friend suggested I could make my own, and despite my lack of creativity and craft skills, I knew I could make this work! ;) She gave me some ideas and after a few weeks of finding some cheap supplies and the time to do it, I completed it. I will attach a pic. I think it turned out pretty well. And notice, the arrows are pointing every which way; our Angel is surrounding us. Everywhere. Every which way. I love it. :)
This has been kind of a crazy week. Definitely a week of ups and downs. And these ups and downs have mostly been unrelated to Avelyn. Stuff we all go through. Part of life. From celebrating birthdays to disciplining and dealing with a poor choice from your child. From a health issue of a family member to enjoying good company at Josh's work party. Just life. Ups and downs. Today, December 7th, is my older sister's birthday and it is also the day our sweet Avelyn would be 7 months old. Highs and lows. Last night at Josh's work party, I was able to meet one his co-workers and her husband who recently had twin boys, but lost one of them shortly after he was born due to a health issue. Talk about a mixture of emotions. From the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. I visited with the mom a bit, but not going into any detail. I feel so sorry for them. Such a sweet couple.
In the midst of such a crazy week, one positive, one of the 'ups,' I am excited about is earlier in the week going to pick up some children's bibles that Ron Stiles had ordered for us. Ron is Nathan Stiles' dad, whom I've written about before. Nathan is the 18 year quarterback, homecoming king, and young man with a heart hard after Jesus that passed away 4 years ago of a concussion suffered in a football game. Ron and his family have made it their mission to pass out as many bibles as possible and to let as many people as possible know about Jesus. They are nearing having passed out 16,000 bibles. Wow. What a lasting impact. After meeting Ron, his wife Connie, and their daughter Josie at the Nathan Project run in October, Ron had called and visited with me about the fact that sometimes when he is handing out bibles, people ask about children's bibles, and he wondered about our desire to help make this happen. Josh & I are thrilled about this potential impact we could begin to leave in memory and honor of Avelyn, with God's help and blessing. There are still some things we need to work out before we officially start this 'mission,' but we are loving the idea. Such a Light to focus on and look up to during an up and down week. Praise God for this.
So as our 'Angel Ave' is 'pointing' every direction, we pray God has a plan for her life to make a positive impact on the lives of His children--His creation--pointing every which way, making an impact on as many people as possible.
Happy 7 Month Birthday sweet Avelyn. We love you! Thank you sweet girl and thank you my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for continuing to help us with our daily lives, with the little things, with the ups...and with the downs, and most of all for keeping our focus on the things that really matter in this life, You.
Love & Hugs. :)
This has been kind of a crazy week. Definitely a week of ups and downs. And these ups and downs have mostly been unrelated to Avelyn. Stuff we all go through. Part of life. From celebrating birthdays to disciplining and dealing with a poor choice from your child. From a health issue of a family member to enjoying good company at Josh's work party. Just life. Ups and downs. Today, December 7th, is my older sister's birthday and it is also the day our sweet Avelyn would be 7 months old. Highs and lows. Last night at Josh's work party, I was able to meet one his co-workers and her husband who recently had twin boys, but lost one of them shortly after he was born due to a health issue. Talk about a mixture of emotions. From the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. I visited with the mom a bit, but not going into any detail. I feel so sorry for them. Such a sweet couple.
In the midst of such a crazy week, one positive, one of the 'ups,' I am excited about is earlier in the week going to pick up some children's bibles that Ron Stiles had ordered for us. Ron is Nathan Stiles' dad, whom I've written about before. Nathan is the 18 year quarterback, homecoming king, and young man with a heart hard after Jesus that passed away 4 years ago of a concussion suffered in a football game. Ron and his family have made it their mission to pass out as many bibles as possible and to let as many people as possible know about Jesus. They are nearing having passed out 16,000 bibles. Wow. What a lasting impact. After meeting Ron, his wife Connie, and their daughter Josie at the Nathan Project run in October, Ron had called and visited with me about the fact that sometimes when he is handing out bibles, people ask about children's bibles, and he wondered about our desire to help make this happen. Josh & I are thrilled about this potential impact we could begin to leave in memory and honor of Avelyn, with God's help and blessing. There are still some things we need to work out before we officially start this 'mission,' but we are loving the idea. Such a Light to focus on and look up to during an up and down week. Praise God for this.
So as our 'Angel Ave' is 'pointing' every direction, we pray God has a plan for her life to make a positive impact on the lives of His children--His creation--pointing every which way, making an impact on as many people as possible.
Happy 7 Month Birthday sweet Avelyn. We love you! Thank you sweet girl and thank you my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for continuing to help us with our daily lives, with the little things, with the ups...and with the downs, and most of all for keeping our focus on the things that really matter in this life, You.
Love & Hugs. :)