Please click on the tab above labeled "Family 1 Mile Walk & 5K" to see the registration form for the 10th Annual Let Your Light Shine Family 1 Mile Walk & 5K on Saturday, May 18, 2024! So excited for this!! :)
With over 11,000 children's bibles ordered thus far, our mission remains: to get children's bibles into the hands of as many children & families as possible. With Christ leading the way & with your help, we have been able to give children's bibles to children & families in our local & surrounding communities, around the United States, and as far as an orphanage in Thailand. If you would like a bible and have not yet received one, please let us know; we would love to send one your way! It has been such a blessing to see these children's bibles in the hands of others! Thank you SO much for helping us and joining us on our Avelyn SonShine Journey!
For SONSHINE ATHLETIC ACADEMY / SONSHINE VOLLEYBALL CLUB, please click on the "SonShine Athletic Academy" tab above.
With over 11,000 children's bibles ordered thus far, our mission remains: to get children's bibles into the hands of as many children & families as possible. With Christ leading the way & with your help, we have been able to give children's bibles to children & families in our local & surrounding communities, around the United States, and as far as an orphanage in Thailand. If you would like a bible and have not yet received one, please let us know; we would love to send one your way! It has been such a blessing to see these children's bibles in the hands of others! Thank you SO much for helping us and joining us on our Avelyn SonShine Journey!
For SONSHINE ATHLETIC ACADEMY / SONSHINE VOLLEYBALL CLUB, please click on the "SonShine Athletic Academy" tab above.

DONATE NOW Click Donate Now then under the Board of Trustees, select 'Avelyn SonShine Journey'
Would you like to DONATE to our Cause?
Donations given to the Avelyn SonShine Journey will be used to buy children's bibles to distribute to children & families. To send a donation click on Donate Now. It will take you to our bank's website for the Miami County Community Foundation; make sure to click on Avelyn SonShine Journey. This will then go directly into our bible fund. Thank you!! After donating, you will receive a tax deductible receipt via email! :)
Donations given to the Avelyn SonShine Journey will be used to buy children's bibles to distribute to children & families. To send a donation click on Donate Now. It will take you to our bank's website for the Miami County Community Foundation; make sure to click on Avelyn SonShine Journey. This will then go directly into our bible fund. Thank you!! After donating, you will receive a tax deductible receipt via email! :)
Be our Hands & Feet to Give Away these Children's Bibles!
Help us reach our goal to get more children's bibles out there! If you are going on vacation or on a mission trip, please ask for bibles to take with you to give away! We would love to get more bibles into our local & surrounding communities, to EVERY state across the U.S., and to multiple countries across the world!
We hope this is happening every day! States we know have received at least one of our bibles include:
Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin.
Please help us reach more states! If you give a bible away in a new state, please let us know in person or by commenting on the far right tab above labeled "Comments." We would love to hear about it!
Countries we know have received at least one of our bibles include:
Thailand, The Virgin Islands, Mexico
Please helps us reach more countries! If you give a bible away in a new country, please let us know in person or by commenting on the far right tab above labeled "Comments." We would love to hear about it!
Help us reach our goal to get more children's bibles out there! If you are going on vacation or on a mission trip, please ask for bibles to take with you to give away! We would love to get more bibles into our local & surrounding communities, to EVERY state across the U.S., and to multiple countries across the world!
We hope this is happening every day! States we know have received at least one of our bibles include:
Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin.
Please help us reach more states! If you give a bible away in a new state, please let us know in person or by commenting on the far right tab above labeled "Comments." We would love to hear about it!
Countries we know have received at least one of our bibles include:
Thailand, The Virgin Islands, Mexico
Please helps us reach more countries! If you give a bible away in a new country, please let us know in person or by commenting on the far right tab above labeled "Comments." We would love to hear about it!
Here is an example of the children's bibles we are getting into the hands of as many children & families as possible:
Our story we have on the inside covers of the children's bibles:
To You, God’s Child: Jesus loves you! God wants this bible in your hands because He loves you! Jesus says “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). Jesus loves you so much and wants you to learn more about Him! Enjoy reading this Bible – God’s Word in stories – to learn more about God, and Jesus ~ our Savior.
Our Story ~ Avelyn KayLee Grace ~ Our Sunshine
Our daughter Avelyn was born on May 7, 2014 with an enlarged heart. We prayed, our family and friends prayed, and even strangers prayed with us for her healing; near the end, we were praying for a miracle. Despite all our fervent prayers, she passed away just 16 days later. God did not heal Avelyn the way we wanted, but he did heal her. Immediately upon her death here on earth, she found herself in heaven—happy and healthy—resting in the arms of Jesus, as well as dancing, singing, running, and playing in our Lord’s kingdom. Accepting Jesus allows each of us to one day experience this with her. Praise God! Although it is different than what we were praying for, God has a plan for her short life…one we feel is still in progress, and one we hope will lead to a life in eternity for you; an existing miracle waiting to be accepted by you, by all of His children. This is a miracle guaranteed in heaven for all who believe in Him.
After Avelyn passed, through the work of His Holy Spirit, we have been led to get children’s bibles into the hands of as many people as possible; by His grace, we hope to accomplish this one person at a time, starting with you – as you are part of His plan. This children’s bible is for you and your child(ren). It was made to be in YOUR hands. We have learned so many things from the passing of our third daughter, one of the biggest being to cherish the time we have with our older daughters. We pray you will cherish time and make time for the children in your life, as well. Take the time to read with your children! Spend time with them. Love on them. Use this bible to bless them with God’s Word, which will bless you as you see them grow in Him. Don’t let these precious moments pass you by…
We gave Avelyn her nickname “Sunshine” because this theme and the song “You Are My Sunshine” repeatedly surfaced in reference to her in unrelated ways—before she was born, after she was born, and also after she passed away. ‘Sunshine’ makes us think about light, in particular God’s Light. Jesus says, “I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). We hope and pray that despite any darkness you may have felt in the past – or may be feeling at this exact moment, you will feel the Light of Christ and the new life He gives us—”…the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). As it says in 2 Corinthians 4:6, “God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts…”. —Come out of the darkness and into His light! We pray we will all have a light for Christ ~ a light so bright in our hearts that everyone is able to see it shining with radiance around us – spreading the gospel of Christ for others to hear.
This children’s bible is meant not only to cherish those precious, all too quick, moments with our children – but also to share the story of Jesus and His light with them. This will make a lasting impact that spans not only this life, but even more importantly for life into eternity, for those who believe in Him.
If you are not already a believer in Christ, we pray for your salvation, which means you admit you are a sinner and you confess your faith in Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for you – so that you may be forgiven of all your sins. Believing this with your whole heart will guarantee a place for you in heaven! And just as important, as you read this bible with your children, pray for their salvation, as well; that one day each of you will be together in heaven! “If we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another...” (1 John 1:7). We pray all will seek Jesus, as He provides a love, peace, & comfort never experienced before and the grace & strength needed to Let Your Light Shine before others here on earth.
The Age of Accountability
How do we know Avelyn is in heaven?
We rejoice in the fact that Avelyn is in heaven; we know she is there from what we read in Scripture. Yes, in Romans 3:23 it does state, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;” we are all born sinners. But we also know God gives exceptional mercy to His children, because as He states in Deuteronomy 1:39, “little ones…children…do not yet know good from bad…” We are comforted by what King David says after his 7 day old child dies; in 2 Samuel 12:23 he states, “…Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me.” The Bible - God’s Word - makes it clear that King David knew one day he would go to be with his baby in heaven. And Jesus Himself states, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
The Word of God gives us such peace, knowing our baby girl is in heaven!
How can we be assured we will join her in heaven?
There comes a time when each of us reaches a mental capacity and is mature enough to accept the responsibility for our sins and be held accountable for them; when we are able to understand and choose whether or not to put our faith in God. In John 3:36 it states, ”Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him.” A person escapes this wrath of God when he accepts responsibility for his own sinful condition and personally accepts Jesus Christ as Savior. We can’t rely on our parents or our siblings or our friends to do that—it is something that each of us must take care of—individually and personally—so when our time has come to an end on this earth, we will enter His kingdom of heaven for eternity. We pray with all our heart that YOU will escape this wrath and make the decision to accept Christ as your Savior!
And then:
“… let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
If you would like a bible or bibles, please let us know and we will try to get it/them to you ASAP!!
Our Story ~ Avelyn KayLee Grace ~ Our Sunshine
Our daughter Avelyn was born on May 7, 2014 with an enlarged heart. We prayed, our family and friends prayed, and even strangers prayed with us for her healing; near the end, we were praying for a miracle. Despite all our fervent prayers, she passed away just 16 days later. God did not heal Avelyn the way we wanted, but he did heal her. Immediately upon her death here on earth, she found herself in heaven—happy and healthy—resting in the arms of Jesus, as well as dancing, singing, running, and playing in our Lord’s kingdom. Accepting Jesus allows each of us to one day experience this with her. Praise God! Although it is different than what we were praying for, God has a plan for her short life…one we feel is still in progress, and one we hope will lead to a life in eternity for you; an existing miracle waiting to be accepted by you, by all of His children. This is a miracle guaranteed in heaven for all who believe in Him.
After Avelyn passed, through the work of His Holy Spirit, we have been led to get children’s bibles into the hands of as many people as possible; by His grace, we hope to accomplish this one person at a time, starting with you – as you are part of His plan. This children’s bible is for you and your child(ren). It was made to be in YOUR hands. We have learned so many things from the passing of our third daughter, one of the biggest being to cherish the time we have with our older daughters. We pray you will cherish time and make time for the children in your life, as well. Take the time to read with your children! Spend time with them. Love on them. Use this bible to bless them with God’s Word, which will bless you as you see them grow in Him. Don’t let these precious moments pass you by…
We gave Avelyn her nickname “Sunshine” because this theme and the song “You Are My Sunshine” repeatedly surfaced in reference to her in unrelated ways—before she was born, after she was born, and also after she passed away. ‘Sunshine’ makes us think about light, in particular God’s Light. Jesus says, “I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). We hope and pray that despite any darkness you may have felt in the past – or may be feeling at this exact moment, you will feel the Light of Christ and the new life He gives us—”…the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). As it says in 2 Corinthians 4:6, “God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts…”. —Come out of the darkness and into His light! We pray we will all have a light for Christ ~ a light so bright in our hearts that everyone is able to see it shining with radiance around us – spreading the gospel of Christ for others to hear.
This children’s bible is meant not only to cherish those precious, all too quick, moments with our children – but also to share the story of Jesus and His light with them. This will make a lasting impact that spans not only this life, but even more importantly for life into eternity, for those who believe in Him.
If you are not already a believer in Christ, we pray for your salvation, which means you admit you are a sinner and you confess your faith in Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for you – so that you may be forgiven of all your sins. Believing this with your whole heart will guarantee a place for you in heaven! And just as important, as you read this bible with your children, pray for their salvation, as well; that one day each of you will be together in heaven! “If we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another...” (1 John 1:7). We pray all will seek Jesus, as He provides a love, peace, & comfort never experienced before and the grace & strength needed to Let Your Light Shine before others here on earth.
The Age of Accountability
How do we know Avelyn is in heaven?
We rejoice in the fact that Avelyn is in heaven; we know she is there from what we read in Scripture. Yes, in Romans 3:23 it does state, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;” we are all born sinners. But we also know God gives exceptional mercy to His children, because as He states in Deuteronomy 1:39, “little ones…children…do not yet know good from bad…” We are comforted by what King David says after his 7 day old child dies; in 2 Samuel 12:23 he states, “…Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me.” The Bible - God’s Word - makes it clear that King David knew one day he would go to be with his baby in heaven. And Jesus Himself states, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
The Word of God gives us such peace, knowing our baby girl is in heaven!
How can we be assured we will join her in heaven?
There comes a time when each of us reaches a mental capacity and is mature enough to accept the responsibility for our sins and be held accountable for them; when we are able to understand and choose whether or not to put our faith in God. In John 3:36 it states, ”Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him.” A person escapes this wrath of God when he accepts responsibility for his own sinful condition and personally accepts Jesus Christ as Savior. We can’t rely on our parents or our siblings or our friends to do that—it is something that each of us must take care of—individually and personally—so when our time has come to an end on this earth, we will enter His kingdom of heaven for eternity. We pray with all our heart that YOU will escape this wrath and make the decision to accept Christ as your Savior!
And then:
“… let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
If you would like a bible or bibles, please let us know and we will try to get it/them to you ASAP!!