Hope. This would have been our 4th child's middle name, if AJ had been a girl. :) Hope. This is one of the major things that got me through - and continues to get me through - after Avelyn passed away. Hope. This is what so many of our Texas friends are holding onto as they don't have much else to hold onto - literally & figuratively - after losing so much - in many cases ALL material things - to Hurricane Harvey. Hope - the eternal hope. This is what I try to get myself to turn to when I'm having a bad day or a bad moment. I have to encourage myself to turn to this, because sometimes it's way easier just to stay stuck in a rut.
Recently I heard a couple quotes I just had to write down:
"God is far more interested in developing our character than giving us a life of comfort." (stated by a lady who called into Life 88.5) She also references a C.S. Lewis quote, "If you think of this world as a place simply intended for our happiness, you find it quite intolerable; think of it as a place for training and correction and it's not so bad."
And another quote, "Sometimes God lets you hit rock bottom so that you will discover that He is the rock at the bottom." Dr. Tony Evans
It's so easy for me to let this life get me down. From the stupidest of little things like spilling my daughter's cereal all over our van this morning and making a complete mess...to the biggest of big things like having my child pass away and only getting to spend 16 days with her here on this earth. This world just flat stinks sometimes. Sometimes the only thing I can hold onto is eternal hope.
But then there are also the 'Best Time Ever' times:
The birth of a child.
A wedding celebrating a new couple.
A big win for your most favorite sports team.
A huge accomplishment for your child or grandchild.
In these times, we canNOT imagine a better life. How can it get any better than this? Why would I want to leave these wonderful things for a 'so-called better' life in heaven? True. So true.
So here's the thing...It's ALL good in heaven. "There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain" (Rev. 21:4). So here's my thought, you need to make the best of your time here on earth. Until your time comes, no matter when it is, God wants you here for a reason! Let Your Light Shine. AND ALSO make sure that during your time here on earth, you give your life to Christ (A - Admit you are a sinner, B - Believe Jesus is God's Son and accept His forgiveness, C - Confess your faith in Him) SO THAT when your time on earth does come to an end, there is NO fear; you get to go to ALL things good in heaven - not some fantastic days & some horrible days, like on earth; "There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain" (Rev. 21:4) - (and not go to the opposite in hell!)
As I was writing the things above, I had a thought. Isn't it crazy how so many things in the 'bad day' list can link to things that become a good thing? For example, the tragedy in Houston with the hurricane has led to so much giving and togetherness. I'd like to think the passing of our daughter has brought good to children & families as we give away our children's bibles, that you all so generously contribute to. And, since I spilled that stupid cereal this morning, my van got a much needed vacuuming, lol.
In these negative times, it's so easy to let myself go into a slump, have a negative attitude, and not see His Light that may come out of things. Hope. I need to cling to Hope. To His hope. Eternal hope. I am also going to attach a picture of my reason for hope. One way to show Jesus is real, straight out of Scripture. The Old Testament passages were spoken by prophets of God then hundreds/thousands of years later, these things came true - how God promised they would - in the New Testament. Another reason I believe in Christ and have this Hope. Praise God for His promises, in the great times and especially in the not-so-great times.
Recently I heard a couple quotes I just had to write down:
"God is far more interested in developing our character than giving us a life of comfort." (stated by a lady who called into Life 88.5) She also references a C.S. Lewis quote, "If you think of this world as a place simply intended for our happiness, you find it quite intolerable; think of it as a place for training and correction and it's not so bad."
And another quote, "Sometimes God lets you hit rock bottom so that you will discover that He is the rock at the bottom." Dr. Tony Evans
It's so easy for me to let this life get me down. From the stupidest of little things like spilling my daughter's cereal all over our van this morning and making a complete mess...to the biggest of big things like having my child pass away and only getting to spend 16 days with her here on this earth. This world just flat stinks sometimes. Sometimes the only thing I can hold onto is eternal hope.
But then there are also the 'Best Time Ever' times:
The birth of a child.
A wedding celebrating a new couple.
A big win for your most favorite sports team.
A huge accomplishment for your child or grandchild.
In these times, we canNOT imagine a better life. How can it get any better than this? Why would I want to leave these wonderful things for a 'so-called better' life in heaven? True. So true.
So here's the thing...It's ALL good in heaven. "There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain" (Rev. 21:4). So here's my thought, you need to make the best of your time here on earth. Until your time comes, no matter when it is, God wants you here for a reason! Let Your Light Shine. AND ALSO make sure that during your time here on earth, you give your life to Christ (A - Admit you are a sinner, B - Believe Jesus is God's Son and accept His forgiveness, C - Confess your faith in Him) SO THAT when your time on earth does come to an end, there is NO fear; you get to go to ALL things good in heaven - not some fantastic days & some horrible days, like on earth; "There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain" (Rev. 21:4) - (and not go to the opposite in hell!)
As I was writing the things above, I had a thought. Isn't it crazy how so many things in the 'bad day' list can link to things that become a good thing? For example, the tragedy in Houston with the hurricane has led to so much giving and togetherness. I'd like to think the passing of our daughter has brought good to children & families as we give away our children's bibles, that you all so generously contribute to. And, since I spilled that stupid cereal this morning, my van got a much needed vacuuming, lol.
In these negative times, it's so easy to let myself go into a slump, have a negative attitude, and not see His Light that may come out of things. Hope. I need to cling to Hope. To His hope. Eternal hope. I am also going to attach a picture of my reason for hope. One way to show Jesus is real, straight out of Scripture. The Old Testament passages were spoken by prophets of God then hundreds/thousands of years later, these things came true - how God promised they would - in the New Testament. Another reason I believe in Christ and have this Hope. Praise God for His promises, in the great times and especially in the not-so-great times.